My work takes its source in my childhood in the country in the Saguenay region, Québec. My parents worked the land and raised animals. They were also artisans, my mother as a weaver and my father as a woodworker. As a kid I spent a lot of time in the forest where I built camps with planks of wood that I ‘borrowed’ from my father. To make my bows and slingshots I turned to my mother for the ropes and elastics.
I have always found it gratifying to make objects with my own hands, especially in wood. Later, it became natural for me to opt for woodworking in my college studies. As soon as I got out of college I started my own business. I wanted to be my own boss. I sureley owe that to my parents!
I have been living out of my passion for 25 years now. My wife, Élyse, joined me in the adventure and being two driving this ship is not too many ! We settled in the country in Melbourne in the Eastern Townships, Québec. My contemporary line of furniture is now sold all around the world.
I live and work in a natural environment. Like the material I work with, which is derived from nature, I can say that I “work nature”. To live and work in such an environment gives me peace and hapiness.
We are very similar to the trees around us. They grow and adapt to their environment and develop ramifications. Some branches grow quickly and far away while others die. They lose color in winter and are reborn in spring. Like humans, their imperfections often make them unique and make up their personalities. It’s these personalities issued from their living that attracts me, both in trees and humans.
I use North American wood essence from eco responsible harvesting. I recently started to draw some of this resource directly from the nature that surrounds me. I cut old apple trees and dead elm trees, had them sliced into veneer and dried. It is certainly more complicated than buying from my supplier, but much more rewarding. I like working with material that I have seen alive. I like shaping it and see its transformation step-by-step, transformation that will make it a useful work of art.
I have been living out of my passion for 25 years now. My wife, Élyse, joined me in the adventure and being two driving this ship is not too many ! We settled in the country in Melbourne in the Eastern Townships, Québec. My contemporary line of furniture is now sold all around the world.
My Environment

We are very similar to the trees around us. They grow and adapt to their environment and develop ramifications. Some branches grow quickly and far away while others die. They lose color in winter and are reborn in spring. Like humans, their imperfections often make them unique and make up their personalities. It’s these personalities issued from their living that attracts me, both in trees and humans.
I use North American wood essence from eco responsible harvesting. I recently started to draw some of this resource directly from the nature that surrounds me. I cut old apple trees and dead elm trees, had them sliced into veneer and dried. It is certainly more complicated than buying from my supplier, but much more rewarding. I like working with material that I have seen alive. I like shaping it and see its transformation step-by-step, transformation that will make it a useful work of art.